Episode 21: Our Nuclear Future with Rachel Slaybaugh (Copy)

Episode 21: Our Nuclear Future
With Rachel Slaybaugh

You’ve seen the buzz about nuclear fusion, but when and how will it affect our energy systems, and what comes next? And what role will nuclear fission continue to play in decarbonization of our electricity grid?

Here to answer these questions and more is Rachel Slaybaugh, nuclear engineer and investor at early stage deep tech venture capital firm DCVC. Rachel earned a pHD in nuclear engineering and has worked across industry, academia, and finance, including as an associate professor at UC Berkeley. In her work as Program Director at ARPA-E, she oversaw millions in government funding for advanced nuclear. And now in the private sector, she serves as Principal at DCVC, directing venture capital investment in promising energy startups. 

Tune in for expert insight on how nuclear energy can enable our transition to a 100% clean grid and what we need to make that happen.


[5:27] The case for nuclear: why it should be included in our energy mix

[7:08] Key obstacles and challenges for nuclear energy

[10:51] The geopolitical considerations of nuclear and nuclear fuel supply chains

[13:42] Uranium mining and resource availability

[14:57] Different categories of reactors

[20:03] Nuclear startups and small modular reactors

[22:27] Nuclear fusion: what we should expect

[24:18] Financing: public and private sector funding

[26:23] Opportunities and getting involved


Mentioned in the episode:

Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp: https://www.nuclearinnovationbootcamp.org/ 


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Episode 22: Cleantech jobs—Finding your first role with Daniel Elizalde (Copy)


Episode 19: Climate and Energy Resilience with Dr. Alice Hill (Copy)